Tailored package options are available to enable the ALS Phonics: Letters and Sounds programme to meet the needs of individual schools or a group of schools within an academy trust or local authority.
For the first year, prices start from approximately £1,200 and include relevant training for teaching staff, access to downloadable resources and modelling videos for one year. Training can be delivered online or face-to-face and prices will vary according to size of school/academy, delivery method or location due to travel expenses. Schools/academies can access training individually or individuals can access central programme training sessions.
After the first year, a yearly subscription cost of £300 grants access to all online resources, including any that are new or updated. Top-up training is available on request.
What does it cost?
Click on or hover over the icon to find out more.
Bronze Package
from £1,200
Phase 1 training For Nursery and Reception Teachers, Foundation Stage (FS) Co-ordinator, English Leader, Headteacher. This training is designed to develop participants’ ability to understand and effectively deliver Phase 1 phonics. During the training, participants get to observe good practice in the teaching of Phase 1 phonics and the programme’s resources to enhance teaching are explained. A good foundation in Phase 1 ensures that Reception children are ready for Phase 2 phonics. | |
Phase 2-5 training For Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Teachers, FS Co-ordinator, KS1 Co-ordinator, English Leader, Headteacher. This training aims to develop the participants’ knowledge and understanding of phonics. During the training, participants’ will develop their understanding of how to effectively deliver Phase 2 to Phase 5. In addition, participants will get to observe good practice in the teaching of these phases. Programme resources available to schools that can be used to develop the application of the phonics in reading and writing will be explained. | |
Assessment training For Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Teachers, FS/KS1 Co-ordinator, Leader, Headteacher, Assessment Lead. This training aims to develop participants understanding on how to lead phonics and manage phonics assessment across the school. The assessment for learning cycle in phonics will be explained. Participants will develop their knowledge and understanding of phonic assessments and how to effectively use and analyse the results from these assessments. During the training, participants will be shown how to effectively use the revision lesson plans. | |
Intervention training For Headteacher, Reception-Yr6 Teachers, FS/KS1/KS2 Co-ordinator, English Leader, Teaching Assistants, SENCO, anyone who runs interventions. This training aims to develop knowledge of the intervention lesson plans. During the training, participants will observe the teaching of the intervention lesson plans. Resources needed to enhance the intervention lesson will be explained. | |
Modelling and monitoring Ann will come into your school and model the teaching of phonic phases in the appropriate classes. These sessions can be watched by as many staff as possible and recorded for the school’s further CPD. This is also a good time for Ann to assess your children’s phonic skills and knowledge and give bespoke feedback. Ann will work with senior leaders to monitor phonic sessions and ensure they are picking up anomalies to the lesson plans and she will support senior leaders to ensure consistency and uniformity across the school. | |
Online resources/videos A complete set of guidance, resources, assessment tools and modelling videos are available as part of your subscription to explain and support the teaching of each phase. NB: Reading books are not included in your subscription. | |
Bespoke work Ann is available to work with a school on an action plan tailored to the school’s needs. This usually begins with a comprehensive audit that highlights the actions needed for the school’s development. Ann will deliver training, model and monitor the teaching of the phonics programme, work with senior leaders to develop the leadership of phonics within the school (etc). This work is regularly evaluated and impact measured. |

2 days of training/support
Silver Package
from £2,100
Phase 1 training For Nursery and Reception Teachers, Foundation Stage (FS) Co-ordinator, English Leader, Headteacher. This training is designed to develop participants’ ability to understand and effectively deliver Phase 1 phonics. During the training, participants get to observe good practice in the teaching of Phase 1 phonics and the programme’s resources to enhance teaching are explained. A good foundation in Phase 1 ensures that Reception children are ready for Phase 2 phonics. | |
Phase 2-5 training For Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Teachers, FS Co-ordinator, KS1 Co-ordinator, English Leader, Headteacher. This training aims to develop the participants’ knowledge and understanding of phonics. During the training, participants’ will develop their understanding of how to effectively deliver Phase 2 to Phase 5. In addition, participants will get to observe good practice in the teaching of these phases. Programme resources available to schools that can be used to develop the application of the phonics in reading and writing will be explained. | |
Assessment training For Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Teachers, FS/KS1 Co-ordinator, Leader, Headteacher, Assessment Lead. This training aims to develop participants understanding on how to lead phonics and manage phonics assessment across the school. The assessment for learning cycle in phonics will be explained. Participants will develop their knowledge and understanding of phonic assessments and how to effectively use and analyse the results from these assessments. During the training, participants will be shown how to effectively use the revision lesson plans. | |
Intervention training (1 day) For Headteacher, Reception-Yr6 Teachers, FS/KS1/KS2 Co-ordinator, English Leader, Teaching Assistants, SENCO, anyone who runs interventions. This training aims to develop knowledge of the intervention lesson plans. During the training, participants will observe the teaching of the intervention lesson plans. Resources needed to enhance the intervention lesson will be explained. | |
Modelling and monitoring Ann will come into your school and model the teaching of phonic phases in the appropriate classes. These sessions can be watched by as many staff as possible and recorded for the school’s further CPD. This is also a good time for Ann to assess your children’s phonic skills and knowledge and give bespoke feedback. Ann will work with senior leaders to monitor phonic sessions and ensure they are picking up anomalies to the lesson plans and she will support senior leaders to ensure consistency and uniformity across the school. | |
Online resources/videos A complete set of guidance, resources, assessment tools and modelling videos are available as part of your subscription to explain and support the teaching of each phase. NB: Reading books are not included in your subscription. | |
Bespoke work Ann is available to work with a school on an action plan tailored to the school’s needs. This usually begins with a comprehensive audit that highlights the actions needed for the school’s development. Ann will deliver training, model and monitor the teaching of the phonics programme, work with senior leaders to develop the leadership of phonics within the school (etc). This work is regularly evaluated and impact measured. |

3.5 days of training/support
Gold Package
from £3,300
Phase 1 training For Nursery and Reception Teachers, Foundation Stage (FS) Co-ordinator, English Leader, Headteacher. This training is designed to develop participants’ ability to understand and effectively deliver Phase 1 phonics. During the training, participants get to observe good practice in the teaching of Phase 1 phonics and the programme’s resources to enhance teaching are explained. A good foundation in Phase 1 ensures that Reception children are ready for Phase 2 phonics. | |
Phase 2-5 training For Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Teachers, FS Co-ordinator, KS1 Co-ordinator, English Leader, Headteacher. This training aims to develop the participants’ knowledge and understanding of phonics. During the training, participants’ will develop their understanding of how to effectively deliver Phase 2 to Phase 5. In addition, participants will get to observe good practice in the teaching of these phases. Programme resources available to schools that can be used to develop the application of the phonics in reading and writing will be explained. | |
Assessment training For Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Teachers, FS/KS1 Co-ordinator, Leader, Headteacher, Assessment Lead. This training aims to develop participants understanding on how to lead phonics and manage phonics assessment across the school. The assessment for learning cycle in phonics will be explained. Participants will develop their knowledge and understanding of phonic assessments and how to effectively use and analyse the results from these assessments. During the training, participants will be shown how to effectively use the revision lesson plans. | |
Intervention training (3 days) For Headteacher, Reception-Yr6 Teachers, FS/KS1/KS2 Co-ordinator, English Leader, Teaching Assistants, SENCO, anyone who runs interventions. This training aims to develop knowledge of the intervention lesson plans. During the training, participants will observe the teaching of the intervention lesson plans. Resources needed to enhance the intervention lesson will be explained. | |
Modelling and monitoring Ann will come into your school and model the teaching of phonic phases in the appropriate classes. These sessions can be watched by as many staff as possible and recorded for the school’s further CPD. This is also a good time for Ann to assess your children’s phonic skills and knowledge and give bespoke feedback. Ann will work with senior leaders to monitor phonic sessions and ensure they are picking up anomalies to the lesson plans and she will support senior leaders to ensure consistency and uniformity across the school. | |
Online resources/videos A complete set of guidance, resources, assessment tools and modelling videos are available as part of your subscription to explain and support the teaching of each phase. NB: Reading books are not included in your subscription. | |
Bespoke work Ann is available to work with a school on an action plan tailored to the school’s needs. This usually begins with a comprehensive audit that highlights the actions needed for the school’s development. Ann will deliver training, model and monitor the teaching of the phonics programme, work with senior leaders to develop the leadership of phonics within the school (etc). This work is regularly evaluated and impact measured. |

5.5 days of training/support
Platinum Package
from £3,600
Phase 1 training For Nursery and Reception Teachers, Foundation Stage (FS) Co-ordinator, English Leader, Headteacher. This training is designed to develop participants’ ability to understand and effectively deliver Phase 1 phonics. During the training, participants get to observe good practice in the teaching of Phase 1 phonics and the programme’s resources to enhance teaching are explained. A good foundation in Phase 1 ensures that Reception children are ready for Phase 2 phonics. | |
Phase 2-5 training For Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Teachers, FS Co-ordinator, KS1 Co-ordinator, English Leader, Headteacher. This training aims to develop the participants’ knowledge and understanding of phonics. During the training, participants’ will develop their understanding of how to effectively deliver Phase 2 to Phase 5. In addition, participants will get to observe good practice in the teaching of these phases. Programme resources available to schools that can be used to develop the application of the phonics in reading and writing will be explained. | |
Assessment training For Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Teachers, FS/KS1 Co-ordinator, Leader, Headteacher, Assessment Lead. This training aims to develop participants understanding on how to lead phonics and manage phonics assessment across the school. The assessment for learning cycle in phonics will be explained. Participants will develop their knowledge and understanding of phonic assessments and how to effectively use and analyse the results from these assessments. During the training, participants will be shown how to effectively use the revision lesson plans. | |
Intervention training (3 days) For Headteacher, Reception-Yr6 Teachers, FS/KS1/KS2 Co-ordinator, English Leader, Teaching Assistants, SENCO, anyone who runs interventions. This training aims to develop knowledge of the intervention lesson plans. During the training, participants will observe the teaching of the intervention lesson plans. Resources needed to enhance the intervention lesson will be explained. | |
Modelling and monitoring Ann will come into your school and model the teaching of phonic phases in the appropriate classes. These sessions can be watched by as many staff as possible and recorded for the school’s further CPD. This is also a good time for Ann to assess your children’s phonic skills and knowledge and give bespoke feedback. Ann will work with senior leaders to monitor phonic sessions and ensure they are picking up anomalies to the lesson plans and she will support senior leaders to ensure consistency and uniformity across the school. | |
Online resources/videos A complete set of guidance, resources, assessment tools and modelling videos are available as part of your subscription to explain and support the teaching of each phase. NB: Reading books are not included in your subscription. | |
Bespoke work Ann is available to work with a school on an action plan tailored to the school’s needs. This usually begins with a comprehensive audit that highlights the actions needed for the school’s development. Ann will deliver training, model and monitor the teaching of the phonics programme, work with senior leaders to develop the leadership of phonics within the school (etc). This work is regularly evaluated and impact measured. |

6+ days of training/support
Optional extras
To supplement the package options, there is a number of additional training and support options available. These elements can be added to any package at request, but will incur cost. Options include:
- Shared and Guided Reading – FS and KS1
- Shared and Guided Writing – FS and KS1
- Non-fiction Guided Reading
- Teaching assistant training – Phase 2-5
- Teaching assistant training – Guided Reading
- Tricky words
- Managing ALS Phonics: Letters and Sounds in your school
- Coordinators - sharing good practice